How To Energize Your Home Office

Nov 07, 2023
Energize Your Home Office

Some days, inspiration is like an old friend you haven’t heard from in a while. Is it off rock climbing in the Himalayas? You have projects to work on and things that you really want to do, but you just don’t feel inspired. You pull out your wobbly chair and shove aside some old papers and an old Starbucks cup so that you can stare at a blank screen and ‘think.’ While it’s not the only factor involved in keeping your creative juices flowing, you can energize your home office space to work in your favor.

Your environment has an immediate and direct impact on your energy and mood. The great thing is that you can use that to your advantage by optimizing the types of energy that you need for any particular task- including the inspiration needed for your office space. So, here are some ways to specifically energize your home office space to keep you inspired while you’re doing what you do.

#1. Declutter

I mean, you know it has to be done. The most obvious obstacle between you and Lady Inspiration is the mounds of distracting and unattractive clutter strewn about your workspace. From this point on, let’s consider this ‘workspace’ to be a sacred space of creativity and badassery.

Do you know what hinders badassery? All of the psychological effects of clutter. So, stack and sort the papers, digitize what you can throw away in the trash, and give your new sacred space a good wipe down for good measure.

#2. Wake Up Your Color Palette

Colors have been scientifically proven to elicit different types of moods and energy. In fact, “such preferences were revealed in the earliest studies of color preference dating as far back as the 19th century. Blue tones invite peace and calm; red tones have the opposite effect. For an office space use the colors that will bring about the energy that you personally need in order to feel ‘in the zone’.

If you’re naturally more high-strung, grey/blue tones might be a good choice to keep you focused. Do you have trouble staying awake and energized? Add some pops of color to your decor using splashes of orange, pink, or vibrant green.

Even on a more internal level- if you want to feel more in charge and professional, you can add a few splashes of gold and black. Put yourself in the role that you need to be in to produce your best work.

#3. Add Personal Motivation

Each of us has something that motivates us- a driving force that propels us forward. Maybe that’s your family or a personal goal you’re trying to achieve. Leave yourself a little reminder of your ‘why’ to keep you on track when you feel like procrastinating or quitting.

This can be a picture of your family or a framed affirmation quote. It could even be something made as your screensaver or wallpaper for your computer.

#4. Make It Comfy

Nothing inspires you to stay until the job is done, like a comfortable sitting area that you don’t want to leave. A comfy chair is necessary for your health, your stamina, and your inspiration. Other things to consider in the ‘comfort section’ are the height and material of your desk, your keyboard, and other items you require in order to work and create.

#5. Optimize Your Lighting

Natural light is the best option for any work area. If you can place your desk right next to or in front of a window, you’ll naturally energize and refresh your mind and body while you sit there. Think of it like solar charging—it’s passive energy.

It’s also more comfortable for your eyes and budget. If you do need to go artificial, make sure to get a good lightbulb that isn’t too yellow (which makes you want to nap) or too blue (which can give you a headache after long periods). There’s probably nothing that will energize your home office space more than good lighting.

#6. Give Your Office Its Own Zone

Make sure that your office is a designated space for getting stuff done. You don’t want it to be, for example, the same spot you sleep. (I’m guilty of using my bed with a laptop as an “office” more often than I’d like). Your office space doesn’t have to be in its own room, but you do want to make sure it’s in an area where it’s ok to have peace and quiet when you need it. You can see more about creating intentional spaces.

You don’t want to go overboard with large bushy plants because they’ll be distracting and messy when the leaves fall. However, a small plant can be just enough nature to keep you grounded and feeling refreshed. It might even keep some fresh oxygen in the room, which will help your brain function even better. A nice succulent or cactus adds a clean decorative vibe to this space.

#8. Invigorate Your Senses With Inspiring Scents

Smells are powerful for setting moods and inspiring creativity. Our sense of smell is the most closely related sense to memory, which means that it has a unique connection to your brain. Aromatherapy can be used to inspire creativity, relaxation, focus, and energy during work sessions. The best methods of doing this are with a diffuser or a candle. Diffusers tend to last longer and are easier to maintain; they’re the most versatile when it comes to alternating scents.  

#9. Put Yourself In The Zone Using Sounds

With sounds, you can really ‘put yourself there.’ If you want to feel like you’re in a coffee shop, you can play coffee shop buzz sounds. I tend to play ‘Clubbed To Death’ or the soundtrack from “The Social Network’ when I really want to focus and drown out the background. These are sounds with slow, heavy rhythms and no words. If you’re into bird sounds or heavy rain, you can make that happen easily enough, too.


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