30 Things To Declutter Before 2022

Nov 08, 2023
30 Things To Declutter Before 2022

Today, we’re going to chat about 30 things to declutter before 2022. The past year-and-a-half has been challenging in more ways than one- but it’s challenged the way we experience our homes. 

While this new home-centric experience may not have been pleasant for many, I do think that it’s had some positive impacts. It’s encouraged us to try new things. Especially in our homes and to closely examine the type of environment we’re cultivating and surrounding ourselves with. Whether that conclusion was good or bad- I think the awareness is always good!

At this point, we’ve had time to adjust and trial-and-error some things, which means it’s a great time to declutter. Declutter some of those failed experiments and belongings we’ve transitioned out of from the past year and a half. 

For many people, Fall is a time of preparation and getting organized. Kids are going back to school; the holidays will start domino-ing shortly after. This also means that spending time outdoors will be coming to an end and so it’s a good time to prepare your space for that extra time indoors. 

Here Is Part 1 of Things To Declutter BEFORE 2022

#1. Clothes That No Longer Fit Or That Are Worn Out

As expected with any lifestyle change, many have had weight fluctuations or lifestyle fluctuations that have drastically altered their wardrobe. However, it’s not all quarantine pounds- many went the opposite direction and used quarantine as an opportunity to eat healthier instead of fast food on work breaks. 

And aside from weight fluctuations, the increased use of loungewear leads to a spike in loungewear and sneaker purchases. Unfortunately, this means you might be wearing out those types of clothes at a much faster pace. So now is a good time to declutter those items that haven’t fit for the past 6 months to a year. Also, toss those items that you’ve worn through and already replaced. If you want to deep dive into decluttering your closet, my post about “10 Simple Questions To Declutter Your Wardrobe” could give you a hand. 

#2. Business Attire And Accessories

Many businesses have concluded that allowing for remote working is not only totally doable but more cost-effective. All business reports say that this transition is not going away as more and more businesses are exploring work-from-home employment models. 

If this is you, then it’s probably a good time to consider letting go of the heels, blazer, or briefcase that likely aren’t going to get much love. This transition will likely result in a major wardrobe change (according to shopping trends, it already has). But, on the other hand, you might only need an outfit or 2 in professional attire. 

#3. Extra Furniture Piece

I say this because when everything hit the fan, people started moving their entire lives back home from schooling, the kids, to working at home. So many things had to be makeshift put together to make these stations because nobody was prepared.

Maybe you have an extra desk set up in the living room that wasn’t there before. Which now you don’t necessarily need anymore. Maybe like me, you had a tent up in the garage so that you could have your own personalized work area. It is a good time to declutter any extra furniture pieces you purchased out of a panic time and you’re not using anymore. Take this time to streamline the space and the purposes that you’re using those spaces for.

#4. Travel Bottles ( Spike In Travel This Summer)

Let’s shift modes here for a second because the pandemic is not the only thing that’s happened over the past year and a half. We’ve also had a major spike in travel, especially over this past summer of 2021, when things opened back up.

So if that was you, now’s a good time to evaluate all of the travel bottles, supplies, and paraphernalia that may have made their way into your home.

#5. Masks

We can not talk about 2020 or 2021 without bringing up masks. I am not saying that it’s time to get rid of your masks. I am saying we’ve had enough time to settle in and find what feels comfortable, effective and works well for us.

So if you’re like me, then for a while, you were probably finding random masks shoved in different places. So now’s a good time to go through and discard all of those masks that don’t fit well or are ineffective or those you don’t like.

#6. Expired Antibiotics Or Prescriptions

I hope that nobody here got COVID or really sick over the past year and a half. But if you got a cold or the flu, now’s a good time to go through and get rid of expired antibiotics and prescriptions. If you get sick again, it’s worth going to the doctor to get a new prescription.

It’s always best to err on the side of caution; any doctor will tell you this, please do not reuse your antibiotics and get new prescriptions as you need them.

I have talked about de-cluttering medications in the past, and people have pointed out that you can oftentimes take your medications to pharmacies or drop-off centers where they can recycle or safely dispose of medications.

#7. Plants That Haven’t Survived The Harsh Weather

COVID is not the only thing that’s happened over the past year and a half, although it did lead to many people, myself included, starting to grow and bring in more plants than usual. We’ve had really harsh weather all over the country for the past year. Here in the Pacific Northwest, where it’s usually nice and cool, we’ve had above hundred-degree weather. In fact, yesterday, I think it was 106.

So any plants you have that have not survived this harsh weather or aren’t holding up well. There’s nothing sadder than having dead plants in your space to really bring down the vibes.

#8. Pens

So let’s talk about pens and office supplies. Kids doing school from home, you trying to run a business from home and just doing everything. It can seem appealing to have pens spread across the house and seemingly conveniently to grab when you need one, but it’s actually a lot easier if you have a set of really nice pens that you enjoy using. It will keep you from not grabbing the crappy ones or grabbing the ones out of ink. Also, having one location, so you always know where it is. For me personally, my desk is in my room. So I keep my pens in my own bedside table drawer.

I always keep one in my purse to have one when I need one when I’m out and about.

#9. Niche Office Supplies

This goes the same for office supplies. We’ve had enough time to experiment with working from home to find what we actually need. We know what’s going to be useful inside of that landscape. So it may not be the same supplies that you needed when you were going into an office. You might have gotten really excited about working from home and went crazy and bought many office supplies. Now you realize that you don’t really use the stapler or the roll of tape etc. So now is a good time to go back and evaluate what you’ve experimented with and declutter what you’re not using.

#10. Documents And Papers

It’s a good time to bring up documents and papers. Again, with kids being home, you’ve probably collected many school papers, schoolwork, and general business-related documents over the past year and a half. So all of those things can start to accumulate and spread across your office table, which is really not conducive to any workflow or creativity. So as we start the transition into fall planning season, kids are going back to school and getting adjusted to working from home as much as you are or not going to be. You should have experimented enough to know what documents you need, what papers you need, and find some system that will work for you.

I always recommend digitizing as much as possible. It is possible to digitize 99% of your papers. I know because I do it every single day. So I encourage you to find some system that works for you to declutter a lot of those documents and papers. A great place to start my Ultimate Guide To Decluttering Parer

#11. Boxes (Amazon Purchases, Boxed Office Supplies From Work)

It’s no surprise that there’s been a lot of online shopping. That is likely not going to be going away. It’s probably only going to increase, but if you’re like most people, then you’ve probably been hitting up Amazon quite a bit over the past year and a half.

The numbers show that there has been a great drastic increase in those types of purchases, which also means a lot more boxes, a lot more packaging, not to mention any boxes that you may have brought home from the office with work supplies. So now’s a great time to go through and recycle those boxes and maybe even pick one or two to use for your decluttering process.

#12. Take-Out Menus/ Delivery Menus

Obviously, for anybody who enjoys eating at restaurants or eating fast food, there was a period of time where your primary option for doing that was to order delivery or take out. However, most restaurants have a menu that’s available online.

So they’re digitized. You can pull up their menu online. In any case, if they don’t, you can always take a screenshot or a picture with your phone of their menu so that you do not have to keep a collection of all of these restaurant menus inside your drawer.

#13. Books You’ve Read Through

Books that you’ve read through. It’s time to be honest with yourself and get rid of the books you know that you’re not going to go back and reference or read again.

#14. Puzzles And Games You Aren’t Playing Anymore

Time to get rid of any puzzles you’ve finished or games you aren’t going to be playing anymore. By games, I’m mostly talking about board games, physical media games, like card games, games that maybe you’ve tried out with the family to keep entertained, but it turns out that game isn’t your cup of tea. So now’s a good time to declutter those things.

If you are worried about not having game options later consider buying JackBox Games for your computer/tv. They are fun, take up no physical space, and are easy to transport!

#15. Hobbies That Didn’t Make The Cut

Hobbies that didn’t make the cut or that have already run their course. So maybe you really got into knitting for a while or crocheting or painting. You tried something to really express your creative side, which I think is wonderful. I have a whole other post on how to be creative without the clutter. But if you try it out, a hobby that didn’t really work, you weren’t really that into it, or that’s already run its course. And you’re just not really feeling it. It’s a great time to go back, reevaluate those things, and free up some of that space.

#16. Notebooks And Planners That You’ve Finished

I mentioned last week that we’re coming into fall and the fourth quarter of 2021 which is typically a time of planning. People are planning for the holidays and planning to go back to school now that summer vacation is over.

It’s a great time to really go through your planners and check off everything that needs to be checked off so that you’re squared away for the fourth quarter. It’s also a great time to start planning for the beginning of 2022.

It can be really cathartic going through and clearing out notebook space, kind of like giving yourself a fresh slate. Clear off all of those jumbled thoughts that you’ve had over the past months and all of these random tasks and to-do lists. Let go of those things that maybe you didn’t get to, or that maybe you’re not going to invest your time into after all.

#17. Coffee Supplies (Built Up From Closed Shops)

I’m mostly thinking about all of the coffee supplies that we’ve collected while our beloved coffee shops were closed at various points over the past year and a half.

Let’s be real, everything did not go back to normal at the beginning of 2021 as we all hoped it would. So again, evaluate how you’re using the supplies that you have. Are you actually getting used to them? Did they work out the way that you expected? Is this something you’ll want to continue doing or that you want to continue having in your home? If so, then, great!

I also highly recommend that you evaluate how you’re using the supplies you currently own. Especially if you have something like a Keurig that takes the K-cups, consider switching over to refillable filters. This will really cut down on the clutter and waste, plus it frees up counter space.

#18. Used Candles

I am well aware of the scents that can emerge in a home when you have a whole family and pets living indoors for an extended period of time. 😷 Even though we haven’t been in quarantine over the past summer, the kids were home from school. You know, a lot of people were off work, taking that well-needed vacation time.

So what do we do? We use things that make the house smell fresh. By now you may have some candles that have seen their last burn- let’s let those go.

#19. Exercise Equipment

I’m not saying that you need to declutter your exercise equipment if you’re actually using it. I get a lot of use from my yoga mat and yoga ball because that’s the type of working out I do.

However, I know some people might have had a knee-jerk reaction when the gyms closed down and purchased new or used exercise equipment.

So again, we are at a great point now where you’ve had plenty of time to experiment and to streamline those exercise routines and the equipment that goes with them. Before 2022 rolls around, declutter the equipment that isn’t serving you.

#20. Used Or Unused Christmas Gifts

This past Christmas, 2020, was a big shopper. I totally understand why! Most of us had spent so much time indoors and couldn’t spend holidays with our families. There was this urge to have this big Christmas or holiday extravaganza at home.

Run through your list from last Christmas (maybe pull up your Amazon shopping list) and evaluate what you have and what you are using or have used up already.

#21. Physical Media

You might have bought some DVDs or video games to help pass the time during quarantine. Now, sure there may be some games that you very well want to play again which is totally fine, of course. Just be sure that you’re streamlining the storage space for those things so they aren’t cluttering the shelves around your entertainment center or bookshelves.

For some of the other items, like DVDs that you might’ve purchased and only watched once or twice, you might know that you’re not going to watch them again. Those are some good things to declutter before 2022. You might even consider digitizing, getting digital versions, or streaming the items that you want to watch again.

#22. Disposable Products

If we learn anything from the pandemic and all of the local markets and grocery stores struggling with keeping things in stock, it should be that the more self-sufficient we can be with our supplies, the safer we’re going to be.

I think it’s a great time to let go of some of those disposable products and to consider alternatives. This is something I’m really working on, myself. One of my main goals will be drastically cutting down on any disposable products, including paper towels. So we’re going to try a whole new thing and I’m really excited about it. I encourage you to take a look at the same thing!

In what ways can you become more self-sufficient and less reliant on the manufacturing landscape? Think about things like disposable straws, paper plates, and plastic ware. What if you didn’t have to buy paper towels? What if you didn’t have to stress out when those were sold out because you already had a self-sufficient renewable source right there at home?

Get creative! I’d love to hear some ideas or things you’re currently using down in the comments!

#23. Recycled Bottles And Cans

This one’s coming from personal experience. I noticed that, when we stopped going out to the markets and shopping centers as much, we also weren’t out and about to make the bottle drops that we need to make for recycling. And they did indeed collect in the garage!

When you’re just not getting out as much, those things can start to add up and take up space. So this is a friendly reminder to go through and make sure that you’ve completed the recycling process for your bottles and cans. 🙂

#24. Bedside Tables

This is a challenging area for a lot of people. It’s something that I also have to be intentional about daily. There are just so many things that are really convenient to keep by your bedside. There are so many things that naturally live there- reading glasses, books, picture frames, lamps. Which makes anything extra, like yesterday’s coffee mug or a wrapper from some nighttime snack, really stand out and look extra cluttered.

So now is a great time to go through and really evaluate your bedside table. What are you keeping in it? What are you keeping on the surface?

Really take a good look at your bedside tables because it makes a big difference in the ambiance of your room. Over the past year and a half, many have been able to spend much more time in their cozy bed which means you’ve probably accumulated many more things on that super convenient surface.

Something I do love is a good bedside organizer. They give you the right amount of spots for everything you need and keep the mess off your bedside table.

#25. Under The Bed

When is the last time you thought about what’s existing under your bed? I haven’t had to think about this in a really long time because we keep nothing under our bed. There’s zero storage under there which is the only way that I like it! You can find steps to declutter your bedroom right here if you need a little more guidance.

But you know what? I remember a time when that was not the case. When I was growing up, stuff was under the bed all the time. It was like, a part of existence- things just end up under the bed, especially when you spend more time in the bedroom.

So if that’s you, then I want to encourage you right now to go ahead and take a look at what’s under there, declutter that out. It really helps with the foundation of the bedroom.

Having a clear space under the bed prevents worrying about where things are lost or what’s trapped right underneath where you’re sleeping. So let’s give under the bed a little bit of love. ♥️

#26. Essential Oils And Air Fresheners You Don’t Like

I mentioned overused candles but there may also be scents in your essential oils and air fresheners that you don’t enjoy the smell of. Every batch of essential oils I buy has one or two in there that I just don’t like. Evaluate those you don’t like and that you know you won’t be using.

#27. Rugs

Usually, when people are working eight or so hours a day at an office, there isn’t much traffic coming in and out of the house. But when you’re home all the time, the rugs start getting a lot more traffic than usual.

If you have some rugs that have been completely worn down before their time due to the past year and a half of traffic (or that you’ve already replaced and have rolled up in the garage), now’s a good time to reclaim that space and declutter those rugs.

#28. Kitchen Appliances And Pots

Let’s bring it into the kitchen for some of these last ones because 2 of the top purchases for 2020 and 2021 were instant pots and air fryers. I totally understand why because I have one that does BOTH that was gifted to me for Christmas!

This thing is awesome. It replaces so many other pots and frying pans. If you got one too then you may find that you have extras of those old pans that you’re not using anymore.

Maybe you don’t have an instant pot or an air fryer but you’ve taken on more of a hobby of cooking over the past year and a half. People have been home more, meaning that they’ve been eating at home more. Cooking is a natural hobby for many.

If that’s you then now is a good time to go back and evaluate the supplies you’ve used (or haven’t used), the recipes you’ve enjoyed, and the gadgets that have actually been useful for you.

#29. Ingredients From Trial Meals

Along those same lines are ingredients from trial meals: seasonings, sauces, different ingredients that you’ve collected in your fridge or your pantry that didn’t work out or that you’re not going to use again. Go ahead a declutter those unused ingredients from meals you won’t be making now or in 2022.

#30. Dishes

The last item on my list of 30 things to declutter before 2022 is dishes. You may have been enticed to purchase new dishes when you realized that everybody was home all the time and, therefore, more dishes were being used. People were grabbing a new glass every time they got a drink or, you know, grabbing a new eating utensil for every little thing.

So you may have decided to go and buy more dishes to help accommodate that. So now I want to ask you- how’d that work out for you? 😆 Are you noticing that there’s now an overflow of dishes in the sink, on the counter, or spread throughout the house?

Maybe you already had a lot of dishes, and now you’re starting to see the effects of that! This is a great time to evaluate your dish situation. If you notice a lot of dish clutter in your house the best way to deal with that is to minimize the dishes.

People will survive. Trust me. They may have to wash more loads but they’ll also learn to reuse and rinse instead of grabbing something new every time. It’s a behavior shift that occurs when there isn’t quite so much there to grab.

So that’s it! That is the list of 30 things to declutter before 2022.


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