Day 2: Obstacles

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THIS is why you have so much clutter.

Funny enough, that's the name of  my top-performing blog post .

We're always looking for shortcuts and hacks to see fast action, but this post highlights other aspects we'd prefer not to acknowledge. Things like:

  • fears that keep us clutching to our stuff,
  • accepting defeat in our homes,
  • victimhood chic clutter collecting, and
  • information hoarding rather than implementing

In short, we are the biggest obstacle to our best space.

Here's a list to determine  if you do struggle with clutter , but if you still aren't sure if you fit into any of the above points, well, here are the symptoms:

🥺 Fears that keep us clutching the stuff

  • Frequently asking: "What if I need it someday?
  • Keeping gifts you don't want because you're afraid you might offend someone.
  • Worrying about being wasteful by letting go of something of value, even if you're not using it.

😔 Defeat we accept

  • Believing that your space will never change, so why try?
  • Holding tight to the memory of when you tried to make positive changes and it didn't work.
  • Numbing out amid the clutter instead (putting on the blinders and watching Netflix)

😩 Victimhood chic clutter collecting

  • Using the excuse of "I was raised this way, and it's just not in my nature to be organized."
  • Blaming the partner and kids- "Why should I stop shopping when they're going to keep things cluttered anyway?"
  • Believing your unique situation (age, health, family size, profession) prevents you from having a great space.

Our obstacles often revolve around the stories we tell ourselves about clutter which you can see more about in this video about  the clutter source you didn't know you had .

🤩 Your turn! It'll take you less than 10 minutes to complete and will help you to implement what we talked about today :)

Wherever you are, it's okay! You get to choose to dust your shoulders off of those old obstacles and reboot. ❤️

I'll share some ways to do that over the next few days, and you might find it (dare I say) fun.

All my best,
